John Porcellino is a comic creator known for his long-running, "King Cat," series. He's a talented guy and for a short time, he contributed a comic to, "The Chicago Reader," known as, "Prairie Pothole." It featured fun slice-of-life stories with his great artwork but only went for 16 entries before the paper changed its formatting and didn't have a section for him anymore. Still, all the comics are collected here in, "The Collected Prarie Pothole," along with other entries Porcellino created and put on Patreon--for a total of 28 and some other fun bonus material.
The four-panel strips are insightful, clever, and often humorous. Porcellino's art is a little minimalist but he'll stick some detail to the main elements of whatever he's drawing. These strips take little moments in life and spotlight them in fun ways. "The Collected Prarie Pothole," is a lovely little read and I'd encourage you to ask a comic shop to order it for you/for you to buy it from the publisher, Uncivilized Books, at this link.
5 out of 5 stars.
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