Friday, July 26, 2024

Film Friday: "Deadpool & Wolverine," is Pure, Uncut Fun

Samii and I were able to see, "Deadpool & Wolverine," this morning while Clarkson was at school and a friend of ours babysat Gibson. We were excited and hopeful we'd have a good time. Well, the flick delivered as it is such a good time!

I won't spoil a bunch of the movie as it just came out, but I will say tons of guest appearances happen and are more than cameos as certain surprise characters play quite a significant role in the movie and are a joy to witness. If you've seen the previews for, "Deadpool & Wolverine," you're aware the general plot involves Deadpool trying to fix his timeline and turning to a version of Wolverine from within the Multiverse for help. This results in a lot of mayhem, some amazing fights, and a great soundtrack with some tunes that match the action perfectly ("Bye, Bye, Bye," from NSYNC is utilized early on in the film perfectly). I'm so glad Hugh Jackman came back as Wolverine and that Ryan Reynolds makes such a good Deadpool!

The jokes come at us quickly but there are some sincere moments to balance everything out, and, "Deadpool & Wolverine," at times comes across as a bit of love a letter to the Fox-Universe of Marvel movies while also gently mocking them at times too. Certain elements from the, "Loki," series play a role too, but again, it isn't mandatory to know much about that to have fun. Oh, and the fun you all have! Between some incredible action, the aforementioned jokes, and a very clever plot, "Deadpool & Wolverine," is bound to be a hit already thanks to its cache, but it also is going to earn that money and plenty of plaudits for being a stellar movie. Get to your newest movie theater as soon as you can and see, 'Deadpool & Wolverine." It is superb!

5 out of 5 stars.

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