Saturday, July 6, 2024

"Gutsville," Might Actually Come Back and Conclude Soon

Before I even had this blog, back in 2007, an interesting comic kicked off by Si Spurrier and Frazier Irving. Titled, "Gutsville," it followed a strange village that followed strict religious doctrines...and was inside the belly of a huge whale-like creature. Only three total issues came out, with the second and third heavily delayed--nothing has been released since 2008. Supposedly, however, Frazier Irving has claimed that, "Gutsville," will be wrapping as soon as this year. Nearly 20 years later we might see the end of, "Gutsville," in the form of some more issues or perhaps a super-sized issue. I quite enjoyed the comic when I read it so, so many years ago with its weird concept being beautifully executed thanks to Spurrier and Irving. I'm pleased that, "Gutsville," might actually conclude, it just is a bit annoying it has taken such a long time.

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