Sunday, July 21, 2024

Joe Biden Drops out of the 2024 Presidential Race With Kamala Harris the Presumptive Democratic Nominee

For the past few weeks, more and more Democrats seemed concerned about if Joe Biden could win the Presidential election this Fall. After a debate that was awful all around, an increasing number of Biden's own allies wanted him to drop out. It really had the feel of when all the children and grandchildren confronted Grandpa about how he needed to give up the car keys and quit driving the nation. Biden insisted he was still perfectly healthy and able to drive, but was hounded enough that everyone convinced him to say he'd quit, "Driving," this January

Now, Kamala Harris is the presumed nominee (although at this point who can predict anything) and while I like her I have to say she hasn't really been present much the last 4 years. I mean, Mike Pence was awful but he was usually around doing stuff, have we seen Kamala much, and can she win? This is the weirdest election in my living memory considering we have a man convicted of 34 felonies who denies he even previously lost the last election running on the Republican ticket and now less than six months out from the election the person who thought might be the Democratic nominee has dropped out. In his place, we've got a Vice President who knows how to debate (look at Harris in the past) but if she can win is a big question mark. It looked likely Biden would lose despite how terrible Trump is, so are things going to be better or worse? That's the million-dollar question and there ain't an answer till this November.

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