Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Panick Entertainment Sounds Like an Interesting New Publisher

I was a fan of, "Heavy Metal," magazine. A weird comic publication geared towards mature readers, it often had lots of wild sci-fi concepts, crazy violence, imaginative concepts, and (often) uncensored illustrated nudity for those after some cheesecake mixed in with everything else. It didn't officially end so much as it just petered out. However, some of the folks who used to be associated with, "Heavy Metal," as well as other companies are launching a new publisher (more on that in a second) and the magazine itself might relaunch over with Frank Forte of Asylum Press--it is unclear if it will be under that company or something else). The new publisher with a fun blend of talent involved is Panick Entertainment.

As Comicsbeat discusses in a post about Panick, "Panick may be new to the scene, but its team is not. The founders are comprised of comics industry vets with years of experience, including CEO Kris Longo (former Heavy Metal publisher and current Modern Fanatic CEO); head of studio and executive director Adam Schlagman (former VP of film and integrated content at DC); COO Doug Pasko (screenwriter and former The Outpost executive producer); CFO Christopher Chiang (former DC manager of finance); and CCO Mark McCann (writer, editor, and illustrator). Syzygy Publishing co-founder and former IDW president and CCO Chris Ryall will serve as chief advisor for branding, world-building, slate development, and more." That's a pretty solid lineup of folks with Chris Ryall having quit the pedigree having worked with IDW and currently doing cool stuff over at Image with Ashely Wood as well. I am intrigued by this Panick Entertainment as I always love weird sci-fi/horror, and can enjoy the occasional dash of gratuitous nudity in comics as someone who appreciates human form. I'll be following news about Panick Entertainment closely.

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