Saturday, July 13, 2024

Somebody Tried to Assassinate Trump/What a Mess America is

Today a bullet grazed the ear of former President Trump while he spoke at one of his campaign rallies. A chunk of the internet is already claiming it was somehow staged and another segment of folks are declaring it must be some kind of secret liberal elite plot with high-up Democrats trying to, "Get," Trump. I also saw a meme saying that Hunter Biden is involved somehow because this World is a mess, and we don't live in a true reality so much as everyone has their own pocket reality. What we do know is that in the late afternoon/early evening, someone apparently tried to shoot Donald Trump and a bullet grazed his ear. The shooter is dead as well as a bystander, from early reports. Others are critically injured.

I honestly don't think this was staged because in this day and age how could anyone keep something so big a secret? I also don't think that Joe Biden or other powerful Democrats are somehow using a deep state or something silly. I am pretty sure that before long we will find out someone who was mentally unwell and shouldn't have been able to access a firearm got their hands on a gun and wanted to kill Donald Trump. Whether they were a liberal, some kind of conservative mad at Trump for not being right-wing enough in their mind, or not even political and instead suffering from some kind of delusions unrelated to politics will undoubtedly be revealed. I am almost positive it will be some lone person who was--as we basically define it--crazy.

I don't ever want violence in politics. Whether we agree with or hate a candidate we shouldn't wish them dead. I dislike seeing all the jokes about this from those with left or right political leanings. Everyone seems to have an agenda about what happened today and is writing their own narrative before we know anything about the gunman, even if I'm doing that to some degree assuming it will be some mentally disturbed person. This was a bad day in our Nation and something is wrong in America. What exactly that is I wish I could say, then we could try and fix it. For now though, here we are. One Nation, Under Chaos.

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