Saturday, August 3, 2024

Colin Kaepernick Has Set-Off a Comic-Book Controversy

I have respect for former NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick in regards to a lot of stuff. He engaged in a quiet political protest by kneeling during the National Anthem and it set off a National firestorm. He peacefully expressed his opinion and his career suffered for it. I respect that. He is burning a ton of goodwill with folks, however, with his newest venture: AI Comics and Manga. You all know I hate the idea of a computer churning out a comic, book, fan letter, or anything else. You aren't removing gatekeeping by making it so some prompts create a bland comic, you're just helping dump a bunch of computer-generated garbage out into the World. 

I give Kaepernick props for some of his choices, but this is a huge miscalculation. The company he's partnered with doing all this is known as Lumi and it has a chunk of investors putting cash into it. That money could be used to pay writers and artists to simply make a comic, or even train folks in writing or drawing, but nah, let's use $4 million to have a computer plop out some so-called comics. Clearly, I am not in favor of any of this.

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