Sunday, August 4, 2024

"Game Informer," is No More

Back when I was young many video-game magazines were being published. Ones for consoles, computers, and it was a good era. Then with the rise of the internet, we've seen newsprint struggle a bit in some categories more than others (there ain't many nudie mags left, after all). Some gaming magazines still exist such as, "PC Gamer," which also have a strong web presence. However, the (currently) longest-running magazine has shut down. "Game Informer," started in 1991, was bought by the company that eventually became Gamestop in 2000, and as of now is being shuttered

I honestly was never the biggest fan of, "Game Informer," but enjoyed flipping through it and appreciated some big game announcements they got as they were (obviously) tied to a big video-game chain store--although the reviews were pointless as they almost all were glowing of the titles Gamestop hoped you'd go to their store and buy. My favorite gaming magazine of all time would've been, "Electronic Gaming Monthly," which ended some time ago as I knew and loved it--2009. Yes, it made an attempt at coming back, but for me is dead and buried (I mean, it has a website, but that isn't a magazine). Anyways, "Game Informer," joins the graveyard of gaming magazines, and that is a bummer.

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