Monday, August 5, 2024

I Know It's Rumored Every Couple of Years, but Could, "Half-Life 3," Actually Be Happening?

Think back to 2004 with me--assuming you were alive. Video-games being delivered via the internet was more of a novelty than the norm, but, "Half-Life 2," was that video-game you had to install something called, "Steam," to play and could even get via Steam if you wanted. Now, Steam is a huge entity in computer gaming and the company behind it and, "Half-Life 2," Valve, don't put out games so much as deliver other people's games. Valve did make some expansions/episodes and a fun VR game set in the World of Half-Life to try and sell some products, but for 20 years now people have been waiting for a true, "Half-Life 3," whilst Valve has kept mum. We get the occasional false start, but could, "Half-Life 3," or some form of it actually be in the works?

"Half-Life 2," had little episode expansions--1 and 2, with, "Episode 2," coming out in 2007 and the aforementioned VR game, "Half-Life Alyx," dropping in 2020. That's been pretty much it. There are leaks that hint at something being in the works for a while, however. A voice actor has listed on their resume something called, "Project White Sands," which is with Valve. Dataminers have noticed bits of code in various places too. Something is in the works from Valve, could it be, "Half-Life 3," or whatever Valve would call it? Somebody at Valve wasn't happy to see that on a resume as it's been removed, meaning that something wasn't supposed to be exposed...yet. One can hope we get more answers in the near future.

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