Saturday, August 10, 2024

I've Been Blurbed Again--This Time by Bad Idea!

I am always flattered when a publication uses a review of mine on their comic/book/etc. To think that a publisher appreciates my review enough to quote me is snazzy. It happened with a, "Grumpy Cat," collection and the, "Dash," trade paperback. Now, Bad Idea has a little blurb of me on their, "The Hero Trade: The Complete Hardcover," book. It was available via a Kickstarter campaign and is a gorgeous oversized collection of the snazzy tales that made up various pieces of, "The Hero Trade." You can see where I was quoted above (from my review of the initial issue), but here is a look at the whole book itself:

I have been honest about running hot and cold on Bad Idea at points. I feel like they put out some genuinely great comics but sometimes the gimmicks they run that make it tricky to actually buy the darn things irritate me. That said, the company makes quality reads and I'm honored to have been quoted for this collection of stories that make up, "The Hero Trade." Interestingly enough, Bad Idea is now running a Kickstarter for their, "Tankers," comics and I'd encourage you to check that out as well!

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