Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My, "Elephantmen," Kickstarter Comic Arrived!

I don't back too many Kickstarter campaigns as it can get expensive, but when I saw there was one for a special, "Elephantmen," comic I was quite intrigued! I've enjoyed a number of stories set in that Universe so I was interested! I did the cheapest level of support I could choose to still get a physical comic as I wanted to get something I could enjoy holding and reading--with some fun mini-posters--but not break the metaphorical bank. My comic arrived just the other day and I was quite pleased! You can see it above and here are some pictures of the snazzy mini-posters:

Those who backed at higher levels have even more cool rewards incoming and I appreciate the creator of Elephantmen, Richard Starkings, for putting together this awesome campaign with other great contributors! I look forward to more campaigns from him in the future!

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