Wednesday, August 7, 2024

"Ready America," by Anna Haifisch is a Unique and Fascinating Take on the Travelogue!

Anna Haifisch came to Los Angeles and as a result made, "Ready America." At first glance, it seems like a bunch of sketches of signs, buildings, shelves, and the occasional landscape. As you flip through the book you begin to see a story form, however, resulting in readers being able to piece together quite the tale from this uniquely styled travelogue. To see what I mean, look at this page where Haifisch illustrates a bar and right afterward has drawings of medicine for headaches and other pains. One can easily conclude that a good time was had at the bar--possibly too good- and help with a hangover is needed. Observe:

There are little illustrated sections just like that that give us the story of Haifisch exploring, enjoying, and otherwise absorbing America in all its weird glory within a big ol' city like L.A. This book manages to inject a lot of personality into what initially seems like random vignettes. Without actually saying a word (until some text at the end, at least) Haifisch tells us a ton about her journey in quite a witty manner. I would recommend, "Ready America," to anyone who appreciates quirky comics and it can be bought from either Rotopol (who kindly provided me with a review copy) or their co-publisher, Fantagraphics and it's Underground imprint. Give, "Ready America," a read, ASAP!

5 out of 5 Stars.

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