Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Hot Comics Revue 18--These Comics May One Per Store, But There is No Limit to My Love

We've got two comics getting a lot of attention these past couple of weeks, with them both being surprise, "One-Per-Store," variant covers that retailers get with minimal warning from distributors. A surprise bonus comic is always fun and the fact these covers are (ostensibly) limited to one per store means they are limited in quantity--a bit like ratio variants. When a comic store gets these limited issues some will just throw them out on the salesfloor for regular cover price and some shops will mark the price up due to the rarity (again, a bit like ratio variants). There are one-per-store covers that barely get noticed and then there are ones that get a lot of heat. These past couple of weeks two titles have caught the attention of collectors/speculators/etc. Let's discuss...

The Power Fantasy #1

I recently discussed how this was a really fun first issue. Apparently, there are two versions of the A cover, which is fascinating, but there was also a one-per-store cover (it is by the series' artist, Caspar Wijngaar)  that basically nobody anticipated or realized was limited to one-per-store at first. Once that became apparent this thing started selling quite well, with copies going for $90-$110 with ease. The success of this one-per-store variant probably can be attributed to how this is the debut of the series an it has been getting good buzz.

Transformers #11

The, "Energon Universe," has been pretty popular over at Skybound (an imprint of Image), with one entity in that Universe being, "Transformers." For the 11th issue, a one-per-store cover appeared by James Harren. On this cover he homages his popular series, 'Ultramega," which is due to return from a hiatus soon, I recall. Between people who love the work of Harren and those who adore the Transformers, it has lit a fire under this book with it going online for anywhere from $75 up to $120. As this and, "The Power Fantasy," above go to show, sometimes a limited cover really gets folks excited!

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