Saturday, August 17, 2024

Who Wants to Offer to Buy Paramount Now? Roku? Sure, Why Not?

Paramount has been in flux. Everyone has considered buying it at this point from Warner Brothers Discovery (which then decided to split itself up) to Sony (who backed out) to Skydance which has inked a deal but could still have a shakeup at the last minute. Now Fubo and Roku have considered teaming up and putting in a bid to buy Paramount even though Skydance is already plotting changes for once it (supposedly) acquires Paramount. So many people have considered buying Paramount before changing their minds I'm half-convinced if enough of us pooled our money and threw in a couple bucks here and there we could all offer to buy Paramount! Eventually, the company will have a new owner, and it is likely it will be Skydance. At this moment though, maybe we should pool some dollars as if we were purchasing a pizza and get us a media company!

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