Wednesday, August 28, 2024

"Wolverine: Revenge," #1 is a Showcase for Capullo's Amazing Art and Little Else--But That's Okay!

Johnathan Hickman is a fantastic writer who at times seems to overshadow his artists in terms of billing. He'll have big dialogues, crazy charts he made, and all kinds of wild concepts. He wrote, "Wolverine: Revenge," but it seems like he didn't do any of his usual stylistic stuff, instead giving us a really bare-bones plot so that the artist involved can shine. That artist? Greg Capullo.

Greg Capullo is a modern master. He spent years doing, "Spawn," before giving us some utterly amazing, "Batman," comics as well as other fun DC works. Now, he's doing a Wolverine comic. The plot is out-of-continuity and is designed to serve as an excuse for him to draw what he wants, and I don't mind because this is Greg Capullo. Why does the debut issue of this comic open with Wolverine fighting Dinosaurs? He's on vacation, shut your brain up and enjoy it. Why is there the particular random line-up of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants we see? Because Omega Red and Deadpool look snazzy when Capullo draws them, so again, shut your brain up and have fun. The plot is nonsensical and serves as an excuse to draw dinos, snowy avalanches, and big explosions, but this is no place for logic, this is Hickman giving Capullo the space he needs to have all the fun he wants.

Wolverine and friends jumping out of an exploding Helicarrier for...reasons.

I am annoyed by the whole thing with the comic having a, "Regular," and, "Red Band," version as if Marvel expects me to buy both versions to enjoy all the possible Capullo artwork with some being a bit bloodier. Marvel started this trend with, "Blood Hunt," and has kept it going. Still, I previously said this seemed like a comic I would like, and besides the whole Red Band-version silliness I had a good time with this. The story was serviceable, and that's the point. Hickman knows even though we usually show up for him, this time we bought our metaphorical tickets to this show because of Capullo, and man did he deliver. Don't expect a masterpiece of scripting, but know your eyes will be pleased by the gorgeous illustrations. Four more issues are incoming and I'm sure they'll be lovely to witness as well!

4 out of 5 stars.

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