Monday, September 16, 2024

Costco Has an, "Apocalypse," Food Kit, but There is One Thing that Bugs Me

Costco is known for having lots of stuff, some of it random. Over the Summer they revealed an emergency food bucket colloquially known as the, "Apocalypse Kit," or other monikers online. It has enough grub to last you 25 years or so and you just have to add water. The thing an actual apocalypse won't one of the biggest issues probably be having potable water? It reminds me of an old, "Far Side," cartoon where a couple made it to an underground bunker in time before a bunch of nuclear bombs went off but an issue arises in that they have a lot of cans and no can opener. You have one problem you've solved (food) but still have another issue relating to it (water is needed/you forgot the can opener). 

Having enough servings of food to be able to survive for a number of years sounds lovely, but without enough water to make the food or even drink so you stay alive then the issue arises where all the freeze-dried food you can handle will be of little use. I suppose if you do prepare for a potential big nationwide/worldwide emergency you would know to have lots of water so that these food kits are helpful. That said, anyone who just buys an apocalypse kit and thinks their work is done would need to be corrected.

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