Friday, September 6, 2024

Flashback Friday: "World of Warcraft," Turns 20 This Year, For Real?

I remember back in my high school days playing the bejeezus out of, "World of Warcraft," when it was new and the hottest thing on the scene in 2004. Created by the company then known as Blizzard (before a bunch of mergers and such), it was a fun game set in a huge World full of other folks you could party with or fight. I still dabbled a bit during my college years with the game but fell off sometime after the, "Cataclysm," expansion back in 2010. I remember playing WoW, but it didn't occur to me the game was 20 years old this year until I saw an article on Polygon about how this November, yep, it's 20. 

Two decades of an online game still going strong is quite impressive in a time when some online games launch and die in under two weeks (sorry, "Concord," I know you tried). If I even tried to play, "World of Warcraft," again all this time later I'd be hopelessly confused, but it is nice to know that is an option and my Tauren Shaman named Shine could someday return to Azeroth. Not anytime soon, mind you, but someday!

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