Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Some of My Takeaways From the Harris and Trump Debate Last Night

There will be countless people with more credibility/accreditation/knowledge than me who will share thoughts about last night's debate. That said, I have my own observations, which I'll post here because that's just how I roll. Frankly though, if you didn't watch the entire 90-ish minutes you could get the main takeaway from the final statements Kamala Harris and Donald Trump made at the conclusion of the broadcast. Harris offered a message of optimism and unity before Trump took his turn and spent his time insulting Harris and otherwise using vitriol and fear to state that you better vote for him, or else. 

Vote for Trum[p or else you're in danger from immigrants--throughout the debate Trump discussed how, "Illegal immigrants," are supposedly stealing everyone's jobs, committing crimes, and eating other people's pets, seriously. Vote for him or else Israel will be destroyed. Vote for him or else abortion will be legal to the point that somehow killing an already born baby will be legal. Vote for him or else Democrats will make sure your kid will go to school and be forced to have a sex change operation and be transgender before heading back home later that day. Trump made up a bunch of lies and said to vote for him or else they will somehow be things that happen under the Presidency of Kamala Harris. Harris told us to look forward, and Trump told us to, "Look out!" for all the terrifying things he and the Republican party have dreamed up.

Harris was by no means perfect at the debate, trying to gracefully avoid being called out on her shifting views regarding fracking, but hey, she didn't outright lie about us supposedly giving migrant workers locked up in prisons sex change operations for...reasons like Trump did. Harris repeatedly left little bits of verbal bait out for Trump, and he always came running into the traps. A seemingly off-the-cuff comment about Trump's rallies being boring clearly was a sore point for Trump as he launched into a long diatribe about how amazing his rallies are and that Harris must somehow pay people to attend her dull events. She kept verbally poking at the bear and the bear (Trump) responded with roars of nonsense gibberish.

The debate between Trump and Biden was a mess that left me pretty upset at the prospect of Trump easily trouncing Biden come election day. However, once Biden gave the, "Baton," to Harris so she could run for President she clearly was ready as this debate unquestionably made Harris look quite Presidential whilst Trump rambled about immigrants eating cats and dogs when they weren't busy being given involuntary sex changes or killing freshly-born babies for shits and giggles. One person looked competent and the other looked crazy. I would hope anyone who somehow against all logic is still undecided about who to vote for in November for President drew the logical conclusion from this debate that Harris is ready to lead and Trump is ready for a nice nap (hopefully in a prison cell someday) after shouting his conspiracy theories.

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