Thursday, November 21, 2024

"Gunk Getter," is Wildly Effective

I'd seen ads for, "Gunk Getter," in various places. It looked like a weird slimy silly putty that supposedly picked up crumbs, dust, and assorted small debris. In other words, it picked up the titular, "Gunk," in its name. I was curious about Gunk Getter as there are always nooks and crannies I need help getting stuff out of. Car cupholders, that little spot where the floor meets your kitchen counters, and the like are a pain to get at with a standard paper towel (even with some spray on it), a duster, or the like. Using Q-Tips can help get into little crevices, but that gets old too. Therefore, when I saw some packets of Gunk Getter for sale at Walgreens yesterday, I decided to buy some as it was pretty cheap at just 3-ish bucks.

Once I used Gunk Getter I was shocked at how good it actually was when it came to doing its thing. This stuff feels goopy but doesn't leave behind much of any residue. It does, however, pick up dust, pieces of food, and so forth. This strange goopy stuff is really powerful and I was a bit shocked at just how effective it was. I got some extensive use out of my Gunk Getter and by the time I had rolled it all around some spots it was ready to toss--you can only use it so much before it gets kind of gross, after all.  I'm definitely going to purchase some more at Walgreens or online, however, as Gunk Getter was amazingly useful and powerful.

Note: This is not a paid post. Gunk Getter is not even aware I exist as a blog, but I am going to send them a link to this article and if they offer me some free product as thanks for my kind words I won't turn them down!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks David!

    Glad you gave us a try and found us effective! Send me your address via our contact page and I'll send some free product your way. Be sure to link this article in the contact form for our records.

    Thanks again!
