Our firstborn child, Clarkson, is eight years old today! This is wild as I can remember back when he was born and was just a little preemie. It is crazy how our little metaphorical nuggets grow up into big chicken strips (I think I'm hungry, hence the food metaphor). Clarkson was born early, as I just mentioned, but after some time in the NICU came home and has been growing ever since! He's a wonderful boy who has come really far considering we received his Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis back in 2019. He has excelled with various therapies and at great schools that have assisted him in gaining important skills and communicating via his talker device.
Clarkson is an incredibly sweet boy who loves hugs and tickles as well as dancing to catchy tunes. When he isn't asking to watch Kimmi the Clown or old random Charmin Bear ads on YouTube (a random favorite of his) he greatly enjoys coloring with Imagine Ink markers or playing with Spider-Man-related toys. Clarkson has never met a McDonald's french fry or nugget he'd pass on gobbling down and he gets excited for pizza with sausage and bacon toppings he can enjoy peeling off with the cheese and eating too (he isn't big on crust). He also is a great big brother to Gibson, usually keeping his patience when Gibson wants to crawl all over him or insists he puts on a random hat or sunglasses! I continue to be incredibly proud of everything Clarkson has accomplished and anything he continues to work on getting skilled at. He's my big eight-year-old boy but he will always be my little stinky baby (both our children love to fart). Happy eighth birthday, Clarkson!