Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Welcome our New Baby, Gibson!

Very early this morning my wife gave birth to our newest baby boy, Gibson! It was a somewhat-scheduled induction (we started a couple days earlier than expected) and after 36 weeks of growing in Samii, he's here! We are excited to take him home before too long and Clarkson will (hopefully) be excited to be in charge of big brother duties--like hugs and kisses! We thank everyone for their support and kind words throughout our pregnancy and can't believe Gibson is now chilling with us outside of the womb. Wild times!


  1. Awwww. Congrats! How fun! Two boys should keep you entertained! I hope they are as smart and even more nerdy than you!

  2. Congratulations on your new baby boy! Best wishes to Samantha, David, Clarkson and Gibson.
