Thursday, June 27, 2024

Dark Horse and Marvel to Collaborate On Comic-Focused Art Books

Marvel has teamed up with other publishers in the past for one reason or another. IDW has published some impressive, "Artist's Editions," of classic stories, there were some fun crossovers with DC that occurred long ago and are finally being republished, and Dynamite has worked with the publisher as well such as that fun time Ash (from "Evil Dead/Army of Darkness," and so forth) met the Marvel Zombies. Now, Marvel and Dark Horse are going to collaborate on a, "New range of Marvel art books."

Called, "Bullpen Books," these deluxe publications will, "...honor the works of legendary Marvel Comics characters and creators," with the debut title being, "The Art of the Amazing Spider-Man by John Romita." It will focus on Romita Sr. and his work on the series with essays about his work, scans of original art, and more. It sounds a bit like the Artist's Editions but instead of having full stories will provide a bit of an overview of an artist's time on a particular series or such. That's pretty cool and it will all look great as these books are nice and oversized (10 inches by 14 inches) but not too pricey at $60. The initial Spider-Man book hits stores this October and will be followed by plenty more titles, I imagine. It is pleasing to see big publishers, "Playing nice," as you want the business of comics to be successful for everyone involved (a rising tide raises all boats, as the saying goes). I look forward to seeing what else Bullpen Books puts out in the future!

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