Friday, June 28, 2024

That Was a Mess of a Debate Last Night

In the words of Donald Glover AKA Childish Gambino, "This is America."  That song came out in 2018 and just always manages to be relevant one way or another. I watched the debate last night and it was horrific. Two elderly men argued about who was more mentally competent and better at golf. Donald Trump did nothing but lie and Joe Biden seemed feeble and prone to mubling. Trump made up things like, "Post-birth abortions," and dodged questions about the January 6th insurrection he supported and inspired. Joe Biden seemed disconnected and uninterested in the proceedings except for a few moments where he thankfully, "Woke up," and pointed out that he was debating a convicted felon for the highest office in the land. The whole thing was a mess and upsetting. 

A well-meaning but frail old guy is trying to protect the United States from a narcissist and con artist. Donald Trump definitely is unfit for office, but Biden struggled to make it appear like he was particularly ready for another term as well. This is America, may God and the rest of the World have mercy on us all.

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