Saturday, July 6, 2024

"Gutsville," Might Actually Come Back and Conclude Soon

Before I even had this blog, back in 2007, an interesting comic kicked off by Si Spurrier and Frazier Irving. Titled, "Gutsville," it followed a strange village that followed strict religious doctrines...and was inside the belly of a huge whale-like creature. Only three total issues came out, with the second and third heavily delayed--nothing has been released since 2008. Supposedly, however, Frazier Irving has claimed that, "Gutsville," will be wrapping as soon as this year. Nearly 20 years later we might see the end of, "Gutsville," in the form of some more issues or perhaps a super-sized issue. I quite enjoyed the comic when I read it so, so many years ago with its weird concept being beautifully executed thanks to Spurrier and Irving. I'm pleased that, "Gutsville," might actually conclude, it just is a bit annoying it has taken such a long time.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Funko Friday: This New Moon Knight Funko Pop is Really Impressive

I dabble in Funko Pops but am by no means a huge collector of them. I have a handful and enjoy the ones of the fandoms I follow/like though. Everyone here knows I love Moon Knight so when I was in Target and saw the latest Pop I immediately texted my wife, "I need to buy this!" and she knew I was gonna grab one. Featuring visuals from the recent run written by Jed Mackay with art by Alessandro Cappuccio, this Pop is badass. You can see it posted above and it is really snazzy. I maybe don't buy Funko Pops too often, but when one catches my fancy it'll earn a spot on my shelves!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Fourth of July; Celebrate Our Nation's Potential, I Suppose?

July 4th is a day we celebrate America. It is our Independence Day. I love my country and want it to be the best it can be. Unfortunately, the nation often lets me down. We've got a Supreme Court that wants to give Presidents the power of kings via alarming levels of immunity, a looming election which looks to be a mess if the first Presidential debate is any indication, and so forth. That said, our Country always has potential. There are times my nation makes me proud because of the people within America. That is what a nation, state, city, etc. is, after all, the people--we the people. I won't stop trying to make the United States the best it possibly can be and I know those with differing views will try to make this country reflect their view on what that, "Best," is. 

That is how a democracy should work and putting aside when there are people who to subvert the rules (as Donald Trump clearly did multiple times, but I digress) we have checks and balances that should work to help those who want to improve our nation and stop or slow those who would try to harm it. Today we celebrate our United States of America and its independence--but we never stop trying to make it even better with that independence so many fought so hard to earn and keep.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

People Are Being a Bit Hard on That, "Hellboy: The Crooked Man," Trailer

I think when it comes to superhero movies as of late people are spoiled on big, expensive, and over-the-top special effects. Folks expect a 200 million dollar plus film full of Computer Graphics so incredible it makes your eyes water with glee. At least, that is my theory because a lot of people are being kind of mean about the trailer for a new Hellboy flick and it looks fine to me.

"Hellboy: The Crooked Man," adapts a Hellboy story of the same name and is unrelated to the original two movies or the last reboot that everyone now pretends didn't happen. Jack Kesy plays Hellboy with Brian Taylor (best known for the movie, "Crank," and its Insanity) directing. The creator of Hellboy, Mike Mignola is heavily involved too. Hellboy goes to investigate some supernatural evil in 1950s Appalachia and the movie is clearly leaning heavily into more of a horror vibe as opposed to comedy or action. The dialogue in the trailer is a bit trite, "It smells like death," but as far as the effects go, it seems fine to me. Hellboy looks like Hellboy, there are creepy creatures and I don't have any complaints. Yet, many are saying this looks, "Low-budget," or still angry that, "Hellboy 3," never got made. Some have remarked they like the dark tone, but even they think this looks like a, "Fanfilm," as opposed to an official movie. Give the trailer a look and judge for yourself:

It looks fine! From some internet searching it seems the budget is thought to be around 20-25 million dollars and while compared to the latest Marvel or DC flick that would be chump change, this still isn't some microscopic amount as if this were a little indie film made for pennies. Whether, "Hellboy: the Crooked Man," is good or not will remain to be seen, but as far as the budget goes, it seems perfectly alright in regards to visuals.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Internet Always Needs Something to Be Mad About/Jim Lee Can Charge What He Wants for Commissions

Jim Lee is one of the top talents in the industry and a busy man with all the work he does basically running the comic-book division of DC. I'd be surprised if he even has time to do commissions, but he apparently does! Considering how big a name he is the man could ask whatever he wants, and someone noticed in an online post he asks for $25,000-$35,000 for an original commissioned piece. This resulted in opinions.

Now, I'm not rich so that is far, far too much for me to ever pay someone to draw me something. I do love having artists draw me Moon Knight whether they are random folks or somewhat-known names who don't charge too much with my budget. That said, Jim Lee can charge whatever he wants to draw you something, and throwing a fit about it as the internet seems to have done is silly. I mean, nobody is making you buy a commission from Jim Lee. Art is worth what people will pay for it, and Lee wants to be paid that much for his creations--as is his right! If you've got the money and the desire for Jim Lee to draw for you, pay the man! Otherwise, you don't! It is as simple as that.

Monday, July 1, 2024

They Officially Start Demolishing the Chesterfield Mall on October 15th

I've written about the Chesterfield Mall in our region and how I'm sad it will soon be no more. It was struggling a bit before the COVID-19 pandemic, and ever since then had been mortally wounded and limping along with a small number of stores left as a bit of a last stand. Long-gestating plans to demolish the Mall and build a big mixed-use area of shopping, businesses, and apartments/condos finally were approved and the Mall officially closes on August 31st, 2024. My favorite Vintage Stock location is at the Chesterfield Mall and their last day is July 28th, 2024. A number of shops that were still in the Mall have left or are making plans to relocate. The aforementioned Vintage Stock is just shutting down and that has me really disappointed in corporate for not finding a new spot nearby so that all the employees I adore there could relocate. The day is now in the books for when they begin to tear the Mall down and it will be October 15th.

Once it is mid-October it all starts coming down. After six months we will be left with a crater and construction will begin anew on Downtown Chesterfield or whatever the final name ends up being. I appreciate that whatever comes next could be pretty cool, but I'm still bummed the Chesterfield Mall will only exist before too long as a memory. I and others will miss it.