Tuesday, July 16, 2024

"American Nature Presents," #1 is a Lovely Blend of Comics and Articles

Floating World Comics is a stellar publisher and I try to read almost anything they release. One new publication is, "American Nature Presents." A nice comic/magazine it only costs $6 but is full of, "All killer, no filler," content. There are some awesome comics by talents such as Joss Pettinger (of, "Tedward," fame) and more. There is a big interview with various folks from the comic-book biz, articles exploring everything from anime to back in the day when we had Winamp skins (ask someone born in the 1900s), and it is just an incredibly fun read--and positively a steal at six bucks. There are reviews, a fun classified section, and just lots of cool stuff.

As someone who loves print magazines and sometimes is sad they aren't nearly as popular as back in the day, having something such as, "American Nature Presents," is wonderful. We just don't really have magazine publications anymore focused on discussing comics besides how once every year or so, "The Comics Journal," does a mega-tome. Something that mixes journalism with some comics is fun and nowadays quite rare. I'd highly recommend buying a copy of, "American Nature Presents," #1, and I hope that a bunch more issues get made!

5 out of 5 stars.

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