Friday, March 7, 2025

Film Friday: "Kirbyvision," To Bring us a Jack Kirby Documentary

Jack Kirby is a person without whom we would not have the comic industry as we know it. A lot of his co-creations are household names, from Captain America (who he made with Joe Simon), to the Avengers, Black Panther, the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Iron Man, Silver Surfer, Thor, the X-Men, and even more, those produced with Stan Lee. Let's not forget his epic, "Fourth World," with DC either. The list of his creations go on and on. He also was outspoken for creator rights, proudly opposed to fascism, or bigotry, and generally a fascinating fellow. I and many others have written about how Stan Lee seems to get all the credit for his co-creations (and some credit is of course due), but Kirby gets overlooked by the general populace. Thankfully, we are going to be getting a documentary dedicated to Jack Kirby, titled, "Kribyvision." This is superb news!

Ricki Stern is set to direct with the Estate of Jack Kirby providing ample behind-the-scenes materials from drawings, to notes, home movies, and more. I'm excited to watch, "Kirbyvision," when it is complete and hope it helps to make comic fans and those who only know a bit a comics more aware of the powerhouse of creativity that was Jack Kirby. A detailed history of the man should be fascinating.

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