Monday, March 24, 2025

Music Monday: "Nokia," Shows Drake Can Still Make Good Music When He's Not Busy Losing Feuds

Kendrick Lamar and Drake had a big rap feud. Unless you live under a rock that is under another rock you probably heard about it. Kendrick beat Drake, handily, to the point Drake literally sued due to disliking being called pedophilic in some of Kendrick's verses on, "Not Like Us." I have commented on multiple occasions about Drake's problematic behavior toward minor girls so my opinion on that is known. Still, when Drake isn't making questionable choices about who he texts or losing a rap beef so badly he tries suing...he does still make music that bumps suitably well. This is shown by a recent release, "Nokia," done in partnership with PARTYNEXTDOOR.

The song, "Give Me a Hug," has gotten a lot of attention with its wild jumping between beats, melodies, and samples, but for my money, "Nokia," is a much more focused and tighter song. It does switch up its sound and tempo a bit halfway through but is a lot less over-the-top than, "Give Me Hug," and so darn catchy. Give it a listen:

It makes you want to dance around a bit, doesn't it? If Drake focused on making good hits like this he wouldn't even need to acknowledge how badly Kendrick spanked him in their rap battles, he could just live with the fact he lost and go on to make some hot tunes. Instead, everyone keeps dunking on him for being a sore loser even though he's got some heat with this track, among others--just let it go, Drake! If you'd focus on making fun tracks and not a finished feud we'd all be happier that way.

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